Today I was making a cheese ball for the family gathering tomorrow while my babies played at my feet. That is when the thought came to me. I am so blessed to have two Beautiful, Healthy children (with one on the way:) that have the ability to play at my feet.
For some babies don't have the physical capability to play on the floor, or anywhere for that matter. And then some don't have Mommy's to play at the feet of. Then there are also some who would love to be a mommy and have children under foot but do not have the ability to have babies of there own.
That was when I realized yet again how truly blessed I am to have the family that I have. I have a wonderful husband who is a constant source of strength and stability for me. I also have two children who have no physical problems. I am also blessed to be expecting baby number 3 for our family. God has blessed me more then He ever should have. Not only has he given me a home in Heaven, but he has given me a little glimpse of heaven every time I look into my babies eyes.
So that is my cheese ball thought:) I am truly blessed!!!!
Snowflakes in Summer
4 days ago
it is very nice and sweet
what a reminder to be thankful for our children daily! Thanks :)
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